
MultiBlock.plot(off_screen=None, full_screen=None, screenshot=None, interactive=True, cpos=None, window_size=None, show_bounds=False, show_axes=None, notebook=None, background=None, text='', return_img=False, eye_dome_lighting=False, volume=False, parallel_projection=False, jupyter_backend=None, return_viewer=False, return_cpos=False, jupyter_kwargs=None, theme=None, anti_aliasing=None, zoom=None, border=False, border_color='k', border_width=2.0, ssao=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot a PyVista, numpy, or vtk object.


See Plotter.add_mesh for all supported types.

off_screenbool, optional

Plots off screen when True. Helpful for saving screenshots without a window popping up. Defaults to the global setting pyvista.OFF_SCREEN.

full_screenbool, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.full_screen

Opens window in full screen. When enabled, ignores window_size.

screenshotstr or bool, optional

Saves screenshot to file when enabled. See: Plotter.screenshot(). Default False.

When True, takes screenshot and returns numpy array of image.

interactivebool, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.interactive

Allows user to pan and move figure.

cposlist, optional

List of camera position, focal point, and view up.

window_sizesequence, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.window_size

Window size in pixels.

show_boundsbool, default: False

Shows mesh bounds when True.

show_axesbool, default:

Shows a vtk axes widget.

notebookbool, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.notebook

When True, the resulting plot is placed inline a jupyter notebook. Assumes a jupyter console is active.

backgroundColorLike, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.background

Color of the background.

textstr, optional

Adds text at the bottom of the plot.

return_imgbool, default: False

Returns numpy array of the last image rendered.

eye_dome_lightingbool, optional

Enables eye dome lighting.

volumebool, default: False

Use the Plotter.add_volume() method for volume rendering.

parallel_projectionbool, default: False

Enable parallel projection.

jupyter_backendstr, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.jupyter_backend

Jupyter notebook plotting backend to use. One of the following:

  • 'none' : Do not display in the notebook.

  • 'static' : Display a static figure.

  • 'trame' : Display using trame.

This can also be set globally with pyvista.set_jupyter_backend().

return_viewerbool, default: False

Return the jupyterlab viewer, scene, or display object when plotting with jupyter notebook.

return_cposbool, default: False

Return the last camera position from the render window when enabled. Defaults to value in theme settings.

jupyter_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the Jupyter notebook plotting backend.

themepyvista.plotting.themes.Theme, optional

Plot-specific theme.

anti_aliasingstr | bool, default: pyvista.plotting.themes.Theme.anti_aliasing

Enable or disable anti-aliasing. If True, uses "msaa". If False, disables anti_aliasing. If a string, should be either "fxaa" or "ssaa".

zoomfloat, str, optional

Camera zoom. Either 'tight' or a float. A value greater than 1 is a zoom-in, a value less than 1 is a zoom-out. Must be greater than 0.

borderbool, default: False

Draw a border around each render window.

border_colorColorLike, default: “k”

Either a string, rgb list, or hex color string. For example:

  • color='white'

  • color='w'

  • color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

  • color='#FFFFFF'

border_widthfloat, default: 2.0

Width of the border in pixels when enabled.

ssaobool, optional

Enable surface space ambient occlusion (SSAO). See Plotter.enable_ssao() for more details.

**kwargsdict, optional

See pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh() for additional options.


List of camera position, focal point, and view up. Returned only when return_cpos=True or set in the default global or plot theme. Not returned when in a jupyter notebook and return_viewer=True.


Numpy array of the last image when either return_img=True or screenshot=True is set. Not returned when in a jupyter notebook with return_viewer=True. Optionally contains alpha values. Sized:

  • [Window height x Window width x 3] if the theme sets transparent_background=False.

  • [Window height x Window width x 4] if the theme sets transparent_background=True.


IPython widget when return_viewer=True.


Plot a simple sphere while showing its edges.

>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> mesh = pv.Sphere()
>>> mesh.plot(show_edges=True)

Plot a volume mesh. Color by distance from the center of the ImageData. Note volume=True is passed.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> grid = pv.ImageData(
...     dimensions=(32, 32, 32), spacing=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
... )
>>> grid['data'] = np.linalg.norm( - grid.points, axis=1)
>>> grid['data'] = np.abs(grid['data'] - grid['data'].max()) ** 3
>>> grid.plot(volume=True)