, off_screen=None, full_screen=None, screenshot=None, window_size=None, notebook=None, background='w', dev_kwargs={})[source]#

Show this chart in a self contained plotter.

interactivebool, default: True

Enable interaction with the chart. Interaction is not enabled when plotting off screen.

off_screenbool, optional

Plots off screen when True. Helpful for saving screenshots without a window popping up. Defaults to active theme setting.

full_screenbool, optional

Opens window in full screen. When enabled, ignores window_size. Defaults to active theme setting.

screenshotstr | bool, default: False

Saves screenshot to file when enabled. See: Plotter.screenshot().

When True, takes screenshot and returns numpy array of image.

window_sizelist, optional

Window size in pixels. Defaults to active theme setting.

notebookbool, optional

When True, the resulting plot is placed inline a jupyter notebook. Assumes a jupyter console is active.

backgroundColorLike, default: “w”

Use to make the entire mesh have a single solid color. Either a string, RGB list, or hex color string. For example: color='white', color='w', color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], or color='#FFFFFF'.

dev_kwargsdict, optional

Optional developer keyword arguments.


Numpy array of the last image when screenshot=True is set. Optionally contains alpha values. Sized:

  • [Window height x Window width x 3] if the theme sets transparent_background=False.

  • [Window height x Window width x 4] if the theme sets transparent_background=True.


Create a simple matplotlib chart and show it.

>>> import pyvista as pv
>>> chart = pv.ChartMPL()
>>> plots = chart.figure.axes[0].plot([0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 3])