

Download a black vase scan created by Ivan Nikolov.

The dataset was downloaded from GGG-BenchmarkSfM: Dataset for Benchmarking Close-range SfM Software Performance under Varying Capturing Conditions

Original datasets are under the CC BY 4.0 license.

For more details, see Ivan Nikolov Datasets

loadbool, default: True

Load the dataset after downloading it when True. Set this to False and only the filename will be returned.

pyvista.PolyData | str

DataSet or filename depending on load.


Download and plot the dataset.

>>> from pyvista import examples
>>> mesh = examples.download_black_vase()
>>> mesh.plot()

Return the statistics of the dataset.

>>> mesh
PolyData (...)
  N Cells:    3136652
  N Points:   1611789
  N Strips:   0
  X Bounds:   -1.092e+02, 1.533e+02
  Y Bounds:   -1.200e+02, 1.415e+02
  Z Bounds:   1.666e+01, 4.077e+02
  N Arrays:   0