These examples show case various mesh analysis and filtering routines present in the Filters module. Explore these demos to perform tasks such as:
Slicing and cutting meshes
Computing mesh properties like volume, area, and surface normals
Mesh decimation
Extract regions of one mesh using another mesh’s surface
Ray tracing through surface meshes
Resampling and interpolating scalar/vector values across meshes
Integrating a vector field to generate streamlines
Smoothing surfaces
Boolean Operations
Extract Cell Centers
Clipping with a Surface
Clipping with Planes & Boxes
Computing Surface Normals
Volumetric Analysis
Distance Between Two Surfaces
Extract Cells Inside Surface
Extract Edges
Extract Surface
Extrude Rotation
Extrude Trim
Marching Cubes
Gaussian Smoothing
Geodesic Paths
Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)
Plotting Glyphs (Vectors or PolyData)
Table of Glyphs
Compute Gradients of a Field
Fast Fourier Transform with Perlin Noise
Fast Fourier Transform with Perlin Noise
Fast Fourier Transform
Integrate Data
Computing Mesh Quality
Ray Tracing
Project to a Plane
Reflect Meshes
Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 2D
Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 2D
Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 3D
Sample Function: Perlin Noise in 3D
2D Streamlines
Subdivide Cells
Surface Smoothing
Surface Reconstruction
Using Common Filters
Voxelize a Surface Mesh
Warping by Vectors